Making sure you and your furry family members enjoy the beautiful springtime weather together.


Some common plants that can be hazardous to your pets




~Ground/English Ivy




~Purple Mint




~Black Walnut



~Corn Plant


~Bleeding Red Heart

~Red Maple





~Morning Glory






These are just some of the hazardous plants that can be found in your own back yard and community. It is important to keep your pet away from these plants and not allow them to come into direct contact or ingest them.   Reaction to each plant is different and can vary from itching, gastrointestinal upset, hives, or more serious reactions that could harm your pet.

 If you think that your pet might have come into contact or ingested a hazardous plant, immediately contact: 

 Frankfort Animal Care Center (815) 469-9300




  ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426- 4435

(consultation fee $65.00).